A letter about Seaberry Plants 8.21.2014


I am in northern Wisconsin.  I had two plants but they struggle to make it.   Do you know what the growing conditions are also where can I but a number of plants for a reasonable cost? male and female?

Hi Paul,
Sorry it took a few days to get back to you.   If the plants you are having the trouble with are ones which were purchased as rooted cuttings, this is a common problem.  The upside is that they are specific varieties and you know the sex of the plant from the start.  The downside is that they are much more prone to death in the first few years.  
I sell bare root plants in the spring and seeds all year long.  Seeds work well and aren't difficult to grow if you take basic care of them.  The time between planting and fruit production is 3-5 years from seed.  Bareroot plants cut that time frame by at least 2 years, maybe more.  The plants I sell are not sexed, meaning you will not know if you have a male or female until they blossom and/or bear fruit.  I suggest when buying these type of plants, you buy a few so the chances of having both sexes is very good.  Prices:  The varietal/sexed plants available from retail nurseries are $20-28.00 each while bare root plants are much less expensive.  I was able to obtain and sell about 1000 plants like this last spring and hope to have a similar amount this coming spring.  Very soon I will be setting up a way for people to pre-order, so keep checking the blog, sign up for email updates so you will known when that is available.  Order here
Thanks for your email and question.  --Tom

Oh, the growing conditions.  The climate in Wisconsin is perfect.  Soil conditions are not much of a concern as long as it is not waterlogged. Treat bare root or other transplanted seabuckthorn plants as you would any other.  Water is important until they become established.  Fertilize sparingly and not at all after they are established.  A product like Azomite for micro-nutrients is a good idea especially if other things you have planted have struggled in that spot.  Nothing is better that a good soil test to determine exactly what you might need, but I realize most people do not go to that trouble.  Good Luck!

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